Friday, February 5, 2010
(And are quite satisfied with what we have conjured up, hee)
Nevertheless, this project would not have been possible without various sources off the internet.
Yahoo! Search Engine (Yahoo Answers)
Google! Search Engine
And the following sources: Blogpage Header Plant Cell Solar Powered Car Cell Wall Outer frame cell membrane car door nucleus driver mitochondrion battery lysosome car alarm chloroplast panels vacuole car boot ribosome steering wheel smooth er catalytic converter golgi apparatus air filter
We hope this page has been useful to you! This could be our last post but! we may do another one when we get back out grades. (Hopefully, full marks!) heeeeee(:
Cya around!
Love, Daryl and Melanie <3
Golgi Apparatus vs Air Filter!
The golgi apparatus and the air filter performs similar functions in their respective systems!
One of the functions of the Golgi Apparatus is to package the proteins from the Rough Endorplasmic Reticulum into vesicles (pinched off) and then released out of the cell through the fusion with the Cell Membrane. Likewise, the air filter purpose is to filter out dirt and other foreign particles in the air.
However, the Golgi Apparatus modifies the Proteins first before secretion and the contents released out of the cell is used for cell activities. The contents filtered out through the air filter are harmful and after it is removed, serves no further purpose.
Smooth Endorplasmic Reticulum vs Catylytic Converter!
The Smooth Endorplasmic Reticulum (ER) performs a similar function as a catalytic converter in their respective systems.
The Smooth ER is a network of tubules and flattened spaces lined by membrane. It synthesizes fats and steriods (i.e Cholesterol, sex hormones) They convert harmful substances into harmless materials through Detoxification. Likewise, A catalytic converter provides an environment for a chemical reaction wherein toxic combustion by-products are converted to less-toxic substances.
However, the smooth ER is a network of tubules. Though the Catalytic Converter is part of a wiring system, it performs the function of conversion alone.
Ribosomes vs Steering wheel
Ribosomes perform similar functions as a steering wheel in their respective systems!
Ribosomes are sites of protein synthesis. Proteins are needed to carry out cell activites and as energy outside the cell. Likewise, the steering wheel is the control between the driver and the car. Its where energy is "synthesized".
However, some ribosomes are attached to the Rough Endorplasmic Reticulum (usually for synthesis of protein to be transported out of the cell) whilst some lie freely in the cytoplasm (usually make proteins for use within the cell) There is only one steering wheel to enable the driver to drive and move the car.
Large Central Vacuole vs Boot!
The large central Vacuole and Car boot (or trunk, however you call it) performs similar functions in their respective systems!
The vacuole contains cell sap, a solution of mineral salts and sugars. Likewise, the car boot contains items people put in!
However, the large central vacuole creates turgor pressure when water enters. (This is resisted by the cell wall, as mentioned before!) The large central vacuole plays a part in keeping the plant turgid. The car boot does not have such function. It only serves as storage space. (The car boot in this place would be more similar to the vacuoles of animals)
Chloroplasts vs Solar Power Panels!
Chloroplasts and Solar Power Panels perform similar functions in their respective systems!
Chloroplasts contain green pigment for light absorption. Through photosynthesis they convert light energy into Adenosine Triphosphate and sugars. Likewise, Solar cars can accomplish this through photovoltaic cells (PVC). PVCs are the components in solar paneling that convert the sun's energy to electricity.
However, enzymes are also neccesary for the production of Glucose during photosynthesis. This means that cholorplasts alone are not adequate for plants. This is not the case for solar panels, they are enough to do conversion into electrictiy.
Lysosome vs Car Alarm!
The lysosome of a plant cell and the Car alarm perform similar functions in their respective systems!
Lysosomes digest foreign particles and bacteria and gets rid of unwanted substances. Likewise, The Car alarm rings when there is an intruder; a thief who wants to steal something. It alerts the car owner and in a way helps “get rid” of something unwelcomed, in this case the thief.
However, lysosomes are directly involved in the digestion of bacteria in the cell while the car alarm only plays a part in the process. The person directly involved is the driver himself, who will have to deal with the intruder; the thief.
Mitochondrion vs Car Battery!
The mitochondrion and the car battery performs similar functions in their respective systems!
The Mitochondria oxidizes food substances in the form of Adenosine Triphosphate as energy for the cell, which it needs for photosynthesis.The Car battery stores the solar energy for the car and powers it for movement. Both are sites where energy is released for cell processes, car acivity.
However, the car battery converts the energy into electricity for the car to use, as for the mitochondria, the conversion of sunlight to make energy is done by the chloroplast instead.
Nucleus vs Driver!
The Nucleus of a plant cell and the driver of a car (solar-powered in this instance!) performs similar functions in their respective systems!
The nucleus controls all cell activities such as reproduction and growth. It carries all the instructions. Likewise, the driver is the one who controls the car in areas such as direction and speed!
However, The Cell nucleus contains DNA which determines the characteristics of the cell while the driver in this case has no say over how the car will appear to be. It is the liberty of the designer and company to construct and design the car.
Cell Membrane vs Car door!
A Cell Membrane and the Door of a solar-powered car performs similar functions in their respective systems!
The Cell Membrane is partially permeable and controls the movement of substances entering and leaving the cell. Likewise, the Car door acts as the invisible membrane between the surrounding and the inside of the car. It only allows certain people (the keyholder) to get into the car as there is a lock system to stop others from entering as well.
However, the car door requires an external factor to prevent others from entering: the driver to press the lock. In the plant cell, the cell membrane can perform its function by itself.
Cell Wall vs Outer Frame!
The cell wall and outer frame of a car perform similar functions in their respective systems!
The cellulose cell wall gives the plant a regular and fixed shape. It also resists turgor pressure exerted by the vacuole. Similarly, the outer frame of a car provides the structure for the car and protects its interior.
However, the cell wall is fully permeable and allows all substances to enter the plant. This does not apply to the outer frame of the car. Not everything can pass through it, in fact, nothing can unless through the door!